
That Caustic Coating

Ah, faith.

As our nation turn's its focus from politics and war, new subjects for discourse are popping up all over. One of the biggest ones I've noticed lately is that of religion and faith. Whether it is evolution in schools or societal acceptance of homosexuality, there is a discernable shift in American's view of how religion should interact with the government and our nation as a whole. Now, I am unabashedly anti-religious and my view of believers of a higher power is clouded by that bias. Even as I type I am forced to edit phrases like "forces of dumb" and "neanderthalic " from my post.

In light of this, I redirect your attention to a (rather long) speech by a man named Mark Thomas.

I would, however, like to conclude by saying that my disbelief in magic does not mean that I live in some drab, boring world (well, I suppose my dormroom could use a little work). Such aspersions have been indicated to me and other when our opinions are voiced. I do not need or want some mystical fairytale to liven up and moralize my existance, because I can read stuff like this.

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