
Dice Warz

I am newly addicted to an online flash game. Forget the Defense of the Ancients knock offs, the myriad zombie shooters or even the various 'realistic' physics games where you guide a poor snowboarder down treacherous mountains: I'm talking about Dice Wars.

This game isn't particularly new, I've heard word of it percolating around the internet for some time, but I only checked it out recently. My verdict - it cannot be put down.

Dice Wars was made popular in Japan before it crossed the language gap and launched into the larger English-speaking casual gaming market (which is huge). Many people have compared its game play to Risk, but I think there are some elements of Go as well. Players fight to control territory using semi-random dice rolls, with successful territory captures yielding a player more power but opening them up to reprisal.

But don't let me convince you, go check it out yourself.

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