NASA's Pheonix Mars lander has touched down safely on the North pole of the red planet, a few minutes before 5 pm PST. It landed with less than half a degree of tilt, meaning that it avoided any rocks as its thrusters put it down. "It's in a nice flat place, all nice and happy."
Check out the visualization here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7400375.stm
The Odyssey orbiter will fly back over the Pheonix in 1.5 hours, which will yield the first footage of the lander.
Personally, I was glued to the live coverage of this event for the 15 minutes before and after the landing. NASA offered live online broadcast of mission control, which was available here: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html
UPDATE: Check out the latest images streamed from the Odyssey orbiter that is examining the lander: http://fawkes4.lpl.arizona.edu/images.php?gID=0&cID=8
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