
Why am I writing this when I should be writing my term paper?

This is quoted verbatim from my response to a Debate and Discussion thread on SA. A poll queried users as to their opinion of what the State's primary interest should be. The options and poll results at the time of this posting were as follows: Liberty (40%), Justice (18%), Equality (5%), Protection (11%), Social Security (8%), Economic (8%), Scientific (8%), and Other [tended to just be "all of them are important] (2%), with 361 votes. I was astonished and somewhat sad that the forums population (which tends to be liberal, intelligent, and progressive-minded) seemed to think so poorly of the concept of liberty. Perhaps it is merely outmodish:

Far too many people seem to have the conception that the government is an entity that exists to rule the people or otherwise further its own interests as a nation. This is foolhardy to the point of ignorance. A government whose main concern is the economy or science views its citizens as mere pawns to be used for the interests of this nebulous "greater good". A nation whose focus is protection is nothing more than a police state, focused on maintaining the power of the government despite the will of its people. A state that promotes justice, equality, or social security above all else is overly concerned in controlling its subjects and their actions, leading to the establishment of a "Father Know's Best" state that acts without regard to the desires of the people.

ANY government that believes itself to be superior to, and innately more wise than, the people it represents (by viewing the promotion of the products of society as more important than society itself) is doomed to collapse or some form of totalitarianism; both of which violate the basic tenant of government: to represent the people.

Liberty should be the foremost concern of any well-functioning government; insofar as assuring that its citizens are guaranteed the fullest degree of liberty possible without violating the freedoms of others (technically only other citizens). This is a never-ending process, as new technologies and events tend to infringe upon the civil liberties of those the government represents, and it is the responsibility of those in the government to uphold those liberties in the face of tyranny - and to trust in the capabilities of its free citizens to develop the economic, scientific, etc. abilities of said nation in their own interests for the betterment of society.

Any government that does not do this does not deserve the respect or support of its citizens.


[E/N] Why must I be so angsty OR Why LDRs suck.

This is a post by a forum member at SomethingAwful that I just found terribly funny and plan on using for some theatre monologue if I ever get around to getting back on stage. This is only made funnier (or more terrifying) by the fact that this anonymous user also lives in Corvallis, Oregon. My home town:

This is going to be totally e/n. Just as a warning to anyone who didn't notice the 'e/n.' tage attached to this thread, I don't think there is any way to describe exactly how angsty I am right now.

Every girl that I have dated in the past year or two has been from another fucking city. It doesn't matter if I eventually tried to move to that city, I'd always manage to find someone 60 miles away from me or the city that I am in. Over time I guess I've gotten used to it but it still feels fucked up. If I'm in Seattle, I don't hook up with a girl *from* Seattle, no she has to be from fucking Vancouver. If I'm in Portland I end up with a girl from fucking Boston. What the fuck is up with that? Then there's this long distance relationship shit. LDRs should be illegal. The government should restrict the number of long distance relationships that any 18-24 year old can have at any one time. Why? Because it fucks things up. The people who you find attractive, that are as horny as you are, that you could be *fucking* in your own *city* RIGHT NOW are probably online talking to their SIGNIFICANT OTHER in ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN or--worse--NEW DEHLI and being angsty about it. You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you and your fucking undying love for someone that you haven't seen since last August. Fuck you for telling me that though you'd love to party you have to call your boyfriend and whine to him about how you're so lonely, how much you miss him, and how you'll be able to see each other for TWO DAYS in JULY. Fuck you for waiting for a marriage that will never come.

The airfare isn't worth it. The driving isn't worth it. The phone bill isn't worth it. He'll never meet your parents, you'll never see the inside of his room, the best you can do is a cheap hotel outside the airport and endless chatlogs that would make either great case studies for emotional psychotherapists or a post on SomethingAwful.

Oh, fuck.


Google This!

I've been thinking a little bit about prescription drugs lately as they apply to mental health issues. This is what I think about it